That fact that it has so many names should be enough to inform anyone that ES2015 is grossly over complicated. I enjoyed learning JavaScript because it was so easy to learn. Now they are trying to convert it from a web language to a hardcore programming language like C#. So… I don’t like ES2015 and I’m not the only one. The… Read more →
Category: Programming
Opening more than 5 ports on a Technicolor TC8715D router/modem
Bothered that your router only allows you to open 5 ports. Well, with this simple hack that shall be no more! Keep in mind, if you want to open all ports to a specific PC/Server, you can make it a DMZ in the settings. Navigate to the port forwarding page at You’ll notice that if you create 5 services,… Read more →
Finally, a bias random number generator
I did some googling trying to find a bias or weighted random number generator written in JavaScript but I couldn’t find anything… :( So I made one :D My bias random number generator is based off of this one and this is mine: function randomNumBias(min, max, bias, influence) { var random = Math.random() * (max – min) + min; var difference… Read more →

The Perfect Arch Linux Server
Summary The following is a list of software I would choose when looking to make a Arch Linux server to perform any task. Most of them I have already used or am currently using. Read more →
The ultimate x265/HEVC encoding script: h265ize
If you have tons of movies or shows and are starting to run out of space while your dual socket Xeon or Opteron barely flinches when encoding/decoding x264 videos. You my friend need your videos in h265, say hello to h265ize. But… before you say “Alright, lets start encoding!”, lets go over a few things first. Who is HEVC/x265 for? Someone with… Read more →
Git sslv3 alert handshake failure
Problem I have been getting this error for the last few hours and haven’t been able to fix it. Here is what the error looks like, in my case I’m using Gitlab. fatal: unable to access ‘https://{domain}.com/gitlab/{username}/{project}.git/’: error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure All the goggling I had done had lead me to believe git was out of date… but it… Read more →
Pure CSS Tabs
Demo link at the bottom of the page. This comes from one of my up coming projects where I needed to create css tabs but couldn’t use checkboxs or radios in order to trigger the tabs. It works by making a target the current :target and avoids scrolling the page by keeping this target’s display property at none. Thus the page… Read more →
Getting a free VPN on arch linux
UPDATE: It seems no longer works. UPDATE: Looks like they are back up. *Almost all files referenced in this article can be downloaded at the bottom of this article. Installing the VPN package Run the following command to install openvpn. pacman -S openvpn Installing the configuration files You should already have a directory located at /etc/openvpn, if not create… Read more →