Awesome phone wallpaper

First of all, I have only ever had an Android so this will only apply to Android phones.

Install the app

Firstly go ahead and grab this collection of  drawn scenery that I use for my backgrounds, mostly with anime undertones. Put all those in a folder on your phone. Next download the wallpaper changer app located on the play store or here.

Adding the wallpapers and changing a few settings

Firstly, download the latest wallpaper pack located at the bottom of this post. Now change the wallpaper on your phone to the wallpaper changer live wallpaper. Now that that’s all done open the wallpaper changer app so we can mess with the settings and add the folder containing our wallpapers. On the first tab (change), enable the “change wallpaper on lockscreen unlock” option. Now on the albums tab create a new album called Art and add the wallpaper folder to that album. Finally check the check box on the album to enable it. On the settings tab set ‘image position’ to ‘fill’, ‘image size’ to ‘display’, and check “Random wallpaper order”.


Now lock your phone and see the change.



Anime Scenery Pack

10/18/15 – v.1

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