Category: Uncategorized

Getting the Atom Numix icon on Atom Git

I recently installed atom-editor-git to resolve some issues I was having with atom-editor. These included flashing panes (most notably the minimap plugin) and text artifacts. But sadly… my Numix icon disappeared. In order to solve this, you must edit the /usr/share/applications/atom-git.desktop.   In the /usr/share/applications/atom-git.desktop file change the Icon field from atom-git to atom and add the StartupWMClass=atom field.   Your file… Read more →

Remove windows 10 login background

Straight up stole this from Just took it and made it into a .reg file.   Download and run disable-windows-login-bg.reg.   This will change the regestry key DisableLogonBackgroundImage under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System from “DisableLogonBackgroundImage”=dword:00000000 to “DisableLogonBackgroundImage”=dword:00000001   You should end up with this, a solid background depending on your accent color: Read more →

Removing bizigames adware

Computer starts up and goes to I spent some time looking for a fix and every removal guide I found wanted me to download some kind of antivirus. Well I finally found a fix by just editing the registry. First open the registry and then navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. Then delete the REG_SZ named CMD. The data field should have something… Read more →